The Phnom Penh Post - ENGLISH: “Chaos blurs hunt for pedo” plus 9 more

The Phnom Penh Post - ENGLISH: “Chaos blurs hunt for pedo” plus 9 more

Chaos blurs hunt for pedo

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 09:02 PM PST


Serial pedophile Alexander Trofimov's whereabouts remain a matter of speculation or denial, with provincial police in Preah Sihanouk saying they lost track of him the day after Christmas, national police saying they are not even looking for him, border police requesting photographs and government spokesmen either saying they know nothing or offering hunches.

Luck runs out for TV’s booze-backed draws

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 09:01 PM PST

All media outlets have until January 9 to cease advertising prizes or lucky draws associated with alcohol products...

Companies granted wildlife land

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 09:01 PM PST

Unnamed companies were last month granted more than 26,000 hectares of land in two wildlife sanctuaries for agro-industry projects, the latest Royal Book reveals...

Chea Sim advisers to appeal

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 09:01 PM PST

120103_03Former high-ranking associates of Senate President Chea Sim will appeal their convictions for serious fraud...

Fee dispute: Complaints over tourist site charge

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 09:01 PM PST

Residents in Kampong Thom province have complained to provincial council members that a private firm has been charging fees to visit Stung Chinith tourist site...

Bricks used to drive out authorities

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 09:01 PM PST

120103_05aMore than 10 local officials and security guards who tried to dismantle 27 houses in Borei Keila community...

New Year accidents steady, fatalities up

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 09:01 PM PST

Although the number of traffic accidents over the New Year holiday had remained relatively unchanged from last year...

Quiz minister on corruption: SRP

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 09:01 PM PST

Sam Rainsy Party lawmakers have requested that Prime Minster Hun Sen direct Justice Minister Ang Vong Vathana...

For many, it’s a matter of degrees

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 09:00 PM PST

120103_06aCorruption, funding shortages and an obsession with profit are plaguing the quality of universities...

PMs dedicate battle memorial

Posted: 02 Jan 2012 09:00 PM PST

Prime Minister Hun Sen and his Vietnamese counterpart, Nguyen Tan Dung...

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