The Phnom Penh Post - ENGLISH: “Conflicting reports on Stung Atai dam disaster” plus 9 more

The Phnom Penh Post - ENGLISH: “Conflicting reports on Stung Atai dam disaster” plus 9 more

Conflicting reports on Stung Atai dam disaster

Posted: 03 Dec 2012 08:47 PM PST

Reports conflict over four workers thought to have been swept away after Stung Atai hydroelectric dam pipeline burst.

Fake monk accused of abusing girl

Posted: 03 Dec 2012 08:17 PM PST

A man who allegedly shaved his head as a monk to win the trust of a 10-year-old girl before sexually abusing her was arrested by police.

Shift in CNRP's political strategy to win elections

Posted: 03 Dec 2012 07:48 PM PST

121204_04The Cambodian National Rescue Party plans to focus less on traditional hot-button issues and offer voters a series of concrete new policy initiatives.

Phnom Penh Municipal Court hears kidnap charges

Posted: 03 Dec 2012 07:43 PM PST

121204_02Phnom Penh court continued hearing a kidnapping case against a group of men accused of holding the son of a high-ranking military official for ransom.

Heist foiled when toy gun breaks

Posted: 03 Dec 2012 07:22 PM PST

A young money exchange clerk embarrassed a would-be robber who threatened her with what turned out to be a shoddily made toy gun in Phnom Penh, police said.

PM Hun Sen vows support for disabled

Posted: 03 Dec 2012 07:19 PM PST

121204_03PM challenged all government ministries to fill their target quota of having two per cent of their workforce comprised of people with disabilities by the end of 2012.

Fertilizer factory won’t hire non-CPP members, workers claim

Posted: 03 Dec 2012 07:10 PM PST

Workers applying for jobs at Five Stars International Fertilizer claim they were passed over in favour of applicants who were members of the Cambodian People's Party.

Villagers refuse $500 compensation for damaged houses

Posted: 03 Dec 2012 07:07 PM PST

121204_06Phnom Penh local authorities had offered residents living along the banks of the Tonle Sap $500 compensation in the wake of sand dredging that has already caused structural damage to their homes.

Cambodian students targeted to stop domestic violence

Posted: 03 Dec 2012 06:36 PM PST

Students are attending awareness-raising meetings as Cambodia participates in the international 16-day White Ribbon Campaign to end violence against women.

Malaysia bust rescues four Cambodians

Posted: 03 Dec 2012 06:34 PM PST

Officials from Malaysia's Selangor state immigration department rescued 105 female foreign domestic workers in a raid, including four Cambodians.

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